001-01.avi - shots of towers burning 001.avi - duplicate 002-01.avi - towers just after collapse 002.avi - duplicate 003 - pentagon burning 004 - ground view from street 2nd-tower-goes-down - falling tower, short clip 2nd-tower-goes-down2 - shots from the ground as dust/smoke approaches. BUSH01.avi - Bush speech NY from far.avi - self explanitory Pentagon 001 - pentagon burning WorldTrade.mov - long shot of first tower from across river just as 2nd tower is struck actual-crash.avi - footage of plane hitting 2nd tower another-explosion-ag.. another-explosion.avi - "there has been a huge explosion" - 2nd tower falls blaxwtc4.jpg - still of 2nd plane instant before impact capitol-rumor.avi - just what it says cnn-actual-crash.avi - same as actual-crash.avi cnn.tgz - corrupt explosion-live.avi - first tower falls krash.avi - euronews - aerial view 2nd tower hit by plane full speed and slow-mo now3-ram - real video stream, long gone. pentagon-fire-confirmed - reporting on pentagon fire pentagon-fire - live video of pentagon fire plane.crash.in.wtc-new.mpg - same content as "actual-crash" vids plane.crash.in.wtc_2_shadow_pro-ipzvid-news.mpg - moment of first collapse plane.crash.in.wtc_3__shadowpro-ipzvid-news.mpg - pentagon smoke from afar planes.txt - list of planes and flight numbers pudge-crash.mov - corrupted file ras.avi - Euronews close-up of first tower collapse.. and street view (mildly corrupted AVI, but can be repaired) terror.jpg - pentagon fire photo toren2.avi - extreme closeup of explosion during tower collapse slow mo tower-collapse.mpg - same cnn report of first collapse tower-on-smoke.avi - more cnn reporting trade-911-01.htm - snapshot of washingtonpost.com from Tuesday morning sept 11 twc_towers_collapse[1].avi ground view from ABC running from dust/smoke - interview woman "Jumping out the window". CNN's true live moment of 2nd collapse, can see part of the tower still standing for a few moments after collapse then falling. worldtrade_plane2.wmv - amateur couple filming from across the river, watch 2nd tower hit, and commentary "that was fucked". pretty good close-up exit point of explosion before obscured in smoke. wtc-crash.mpa - same cnn report of first collapse wtc.avi - EuroNews - heli view just after first collapse. Shows other heli's circling wtc1.jpg - instant before 2nd plane hit. DOW ticker down 150