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    name type size date desc description
download error_log  20.4 MB 04-03-25
download aaron-gx-convert294-mp4.avi avi 38.1 MB 13-09-10
download aaron-gx-convert294-avi.avi avi 38.1 MB 13-09-10
download spool-ops1-xvid-realtime.avi avi 58.1 MB 12-07-10
download jason-lilly-diktater.avi avi 23.3 MB 28-01-10
download jones-lapse-083009-xvid.avi avi 20.7 MB 31-08-09
download lakewood-lightning2009-full-xvid.avi avi 39.4 MB 18-08-09
download lakewood-lightning2009-xvid.avi avi 24.1 MB 17-08-09
download c470-fuster-cluck-xvid.avi avi 44.1 MB 09-08-09
download Lakewood-hail-storm-xvid.avi avi 40.3 MB 09-08-09
download fsd-web-page-oddity-xvid.avi avi 36.2 MB 25-04-09
download snowthunder-xvid.avi avi 20.1 MB 01-04-09
download golden-timelapse1-xvid.avi avi 23.9 MB 07-03-09
download pvr-sample.avi avi 9.2 MB 08-10-08
download zion-helo-rescue1.avi avi 11.9 MB 31-05-08
download zion-paraglider-emergency-landing.wmv wmv 7.2 MB 22-03-08
download timelapse-clouds-faster.wmv wmv 3.3 MB 10-02-08
download CLIP9477.ASF ASF 24.9 MB 15-12-07
download fft-analysis2.avi avi 10.2 MB 31-10-07
download mpvr-av-in-test.asf asf 20.7 MB 27-10-07
download mpvr-av-in-test.wmv wmv 5.5 MB 27-10-07
download lakewood-lightning-xvid-mp3.avi avi 6.2 MB 24-08-07
download lakewood-lightning.wmv wmv 12.6 MB 24-08-07
download cirque-ka-backstage.avi avi 124.7 MB 16-02-07 TV segment on Cirque's Ka stage in Vegas
download zion-fishbowl-fog.avi avi 1.2 MB 12-02-07 Watching the fog roll in at the Fishbowl at Zion
download TheKnack.mpg mpg 2.3 MB 06-02-07 Dilbert's got the knack
download sewerline.avi avi 47.1 MB 26-01-07
download mov 559.6 KB 23-01-07 From a recent VW commercial
download martin-family-sledding.avi avi 14.0 MB 06-01-07
download sledder-gates-of-hell-divx.avi avi 10.3 MB 28-09-06
download sledder.avi avi 4.4 MB 27-09-06
download longmont-lightning-divx700kbps-music-divx.avi avi 7.5 MB 20-06-06 Amazing lightning video played fast, then slow motion w/ music
download longmong-lightning-divx700kbps.avi avi 5.2 MB 19-06-06 Lightning video fast then slow
download zion-lightning-slow.avi avi 445.7 KB 21-05-06 Lighting viewed from Mt. Zion in slow motion
download zion-lightning.avi avi 2.2 MB 21-05-06 Lightning shot from Mt. Zion fast
download airline-condensation-trail.avi avi 2.9 MB 03-04-06 Condensation trail off wing of airliner viewed from inside
download evaporative-cooling-pretemp.jpg jpg 22.7 KB 21-02-06 Pre-cooling temp for evap cooling demonstration
download evaporative-cooling.avi avi 2.5 MB 21-02-06 Demonstration of evaporative cooling.
download swindon-roundabout-divx.avi avi 8.5 MB 16-12-05 Amazing Swindon double roundabout
download acad2002-file-open.avi avi 7.9 MB 30-11-05
download saigon-traffic.wmv wmv 2.9 MB 28-09-05 And absolutely unreal video of street traffic in Saigon
download july4th-2005-music.avi avi 17.5 MB 06-07-05 Fireworks video set to music
download july4th-2005-1_800k.wmv wmv 16.1 MB 05-07-05 Fireworks video no music
download july4th-2005-1.avi avi 16.9 MB 05-07-05 Fireworks video no music AVI
download DHLMissile.pps pps 1.5 MB 20-01-05 Interesting story of a DHL jet that wsa struck by a missle
download mov 2.1 MB 08-09-04 Short demonstration of basic contact juggling by me
download cartractor.avi avi 87.0 KB 08-09-04 Cute little stop motion animation video clip I made
download mov 1.7 MB 08-09-04 Young raccoon meets up with cat on a bench and yields
download leonid3.avi avi 1.9 MB 08-09-04 Leonid meteor shower
download mov 2.8 MB 08-09-04 Leonic meteor shower, quicktime format
download mov 3.0 MB 08-09-04 Helicopter logging in Bitterroot Valley after 2000 fires
download mov 2.4 MB 08-09-04 Helicopter logging in Bitterroot Valley after 2000 fires
download mov 463.0 KB 08-09-04 Propeller stopped by video camera on small aircraft
download mov 463.1 KB 08-09-04 Propeller stopped by video camera on small aircraft
download ncar-hawk300.avi avi 6.1 MB 08-09-04 Hawk hovering very close to camera at NCAR
download cat_fight.mpg mpg 1.7 MB 08-09-04 Cute little clip of two cats duking it out
download ncar-hawk300-2.avi avi 3.1 MB 08-09-04 More of hawk hovering very close to camera at NCAR
download mov 753.1 KB 08-09-04 Adorable fox cubs playing on road
download mov 4.0 MB 08-09-04 Adorable fox cubs playing on road
download mov 4.0 MB 08-09-04 Adorable fox cubs playing on road
xvid-samples <DIR>8 items19-02-07

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