Go to parent dir Right click on any link below and select Save As to download file. |
name | type | size |
description | ||
| error_log | 88.3 MB | 04-03-25 | |||
| 2015-fpv-skyhunter-flatfirons1.avi | avi | 119.0 MB | 11-04-15 | ||
| gopro-hero2-snap2.jpg | jpg | 705.7 KB | 01-11-11 | ||
| 2011-fpv-tricopter-gopro-hero2-test-xvid.avi | avi | 190.3 MB | 31-10-11 | ||
| render-test-vegas-640x480-avc-main-cabac-... | mp4 | 17.1 MB | 21-09-11 | ||
| render-test-pd9-avc-main-cabac-2kbps-high... | mp4 | 16.8 MB | 21-09-11 | ||
| br3002-raw-sample-deinterlaced.avi | avi | 159.5 MB | 13-12-10 | ||
| soarutah-tl-xvid.avi | avi | 4.8 MB | 10-09-10 | ||
| deinterlaced-24629653.avi | avi | 112.7 MB | 18-07-10 | ||
| fpv-ezg-zion-05312010-xvid.avi | avi | 250.4 MB | 15-06-10 | ||
| fpv-ezg-zion-05312010-x264-3-4Mbit.avi | avi | 271.1 MB | 15-06-10 | ||
| lawmate-pv1000-raw-sample-1280x960.asf | asf | 87.1 MB | 31-05-10 | ||
| socal2010-ian-ds-acro-short-xvid.avi | avi | 296.8 MB | 01-05-10 | ||
| zion-firebird-xvid.avi | avi | 86.7 MB | 02-04-10 | ||
| 3x-carbon-slope-2Mbps.wmv | wmv | 31.1 MB | 13-02-10 | ||
| losing-plane.avi | avi | 1.7 MB | 13-02-10 | ||
| br3002-raw-sample-480p.avi | avi | 328.0 MB | 01-02-10 | ||
| deinterlaced-atis-vid-sample.avi | avi | 22.5 MB | 30-01-10 | ||
| raw-pocketDV-M2-sample.asf | asf | 71.5 MB | 30-01-10 | ||
| br3002-raw-sample-interlaced.avi | avi | 123.2 MB | 28-01-10 | ||
| funjet-lrs1-small.avi | avi | 24.0 MB | 05-01-10 | ||
| funjet-camp-west2.avi | avi | 167.5 MB | 11-10-09 | ||
| BR3002-funjet-sample-xvid.avi | avi | 45.8 MB | 16-09-09 | ||
| fpv-dvrr-5438913.mpg | mpg | 48.5 MB | 16-09-09 | ||
| BR3002-funjet-sample.avi | avi | 36.2 MB | 16-09-09 | ||
| lakewood-lightning2009.avi | avi | 4.1 MB | 15-09-09 | ||
| jones081909-outlaw-hd.veg | veg | 13.1 KB | 15-09-09 | ||
| fpv-ezstar-dlink-fast-xvid.avi | avi | 0 B | 15-09-09 | ||
| fpv-jones-martins-sam-xvid.avi | avi | 104.8 MB | 12-09-09 | ||
| jones-crossfire-elita-ds-hd-xvid.avi | avi | 129.5 MB | 02-09-09 | ||
| jones081909-outlaw-hd-xvid.avi | avi | 135.3 MB | 21-08-09 | ||
| fpv-funjet-weldon-pip-xvid.avi | avi | 139.8 MB | 07-06-09 | ||
| weldon-crossfire-acro-xvid.avi | avi | 69.3 MB | 02-06-09 | ||
| weldon-wizard-acro-xvid.avi | avi | 94.6 MB | 02-06-09 | ||
| fpv-funjet-overlook-crash-xvid.avi | avi | 34.8 MB | 31-05-09 | ||
| funjet1-xvid.avi | avi | 65.5 MB | 20-04-09 | ||
| funjet-simul-xvid.avi | avi | 52.8 MB | 19-04-09 | ||
| zion-dtrough1-xvid.avi | avi | 17.5 MB | 29-03-09 | ||
| zion-dtroughx-xvid.avi | avi | 15.3 MB | 29-03-09 | ||
| zion-fat-albert-177mph-xvid.avi | avi | 26.1 MB | 24-03-09 | ||
| zion-lil-demon-185mph2-xvid.avi | avi | 31.1 MB | 23-03-09 | ||
| zion-lil-demon-185mph-xvid.avi | avi | 34.3 MB | 23-03-09 | ||
| fpv-zion-pgs-hgs2-xvid.avi | avi | 84.8 MB | 11-03-09 | ||
| nick-demon.wmv | wmv | 16.9 MB | 19-02-09 | ||
| mpvr-cb-raw-clip.avi | avi | 33.7 MB | 11-02-09 | ||
| fpv-zion-pgs-hgs1-2-xvid.avi | avi | 119.5 MB | 11-02-09 | ||
| jones-fpv-091408-shorter-unshook-xvid.avi | avi | 166.0 MB | 26-01-09 | ||
| jones-long-run-xvid.avi | avi | 147.8 MB | 26-01-09 | ||
| karls-dsestival-of-speed.avi | avi | 62.2 MB | 24-01-09 | Karl's HD video of DS swarm on summit of Zion | |
| fpv-zion-summit2-xvid.avi | avi | 118.2 MB | 20-01-09 | FPV soaring off western summit of Mt. Zion on new 1.3Ghz video | |
| jones-low-work-xvid.avi | avi | 113.6 MB | 20-11-08 | Low fast FPV flying at Jones Pass | |
| jones-nick-thundertaker-record-xvid.avi | avi | 89.9 MB | 26-10-08 | Epic snowy DS adventure. Nick going 308mph at Jones PAss | |
| jones-nick-thundertaker-record.wmv | wmv | 96.8 MB | 26-10-08 | Epic snowy DS adventure. Nick going 308mph at Jones PAss | |
| jones-karl-matt-nick-dsing-sounds-cropped... | wmv | 41.7 MB | 20-10-08 | Karl/Matt/Nick DSing together music video. WMV | |
| jones-karl-matt-nick-dsing-sounds-cropped... | avi | 38.4 MB | 20-10-08 | Karl/Matt/Nick DSing together music video AVI | |
| jones-karl-matt-nick-ian-dsing-sounds-cro... | avi | 44.8 MB | 20-10-08 | Karl/Matt/Nick/Me DSing together. Cropped to HD version. | |
| jones-karl-matt-nick-ian-dsing-sounds-xvi... | avi | 68.0 MB | 19-10-08 | Karl/Matt/Nick/Me DSing together. Cool sound. | |
| jones-karl-outlaw.avi | avi | 11.7 MB | 16-10-08 | Karl going 157 with Out-law chevron at Jones Pass | |
| jones-crossfire-acro2-xvid.avi | avi | 68.8 MB | 14-10-08 | Karl filming my Crossfire doing some crazy moves at Jones Pass | |
| jones-fpv-091408-shorter-divx.avi | avi | 166.2 MB | 17-09-08 | Epic FPV flight at Jones Pass on a sunny/windy day. | |
| jones091408-karl-matt-nick-dsing-xvid.avi | avi | 46.6 MB | 14-09-08 | Nice vid of Karl, Matt and Nick DSing at Jones Pass | |
| Ian speed run wizard compact 2 X tail... | avi | 10.7 MB | 11-09-08 | Wizard BPV at NTM doing 158mph frontside dive | |
| soar-utah08-xvid.avi | avi | 147.5 MB | 08-09-08 | FPV flight during the two days of 2008 Soar Utah event. | |
| jones-hawk-chase.avi | avi | 10.4 MB | 07-09-08 | Hawk chasing Matts Super Scooter in the groove at Jones PAss | |
| fpv-ez-glacier1-xvid.avi | avi | 92.2 MB | 19-08-08 | FPV flight at Glacier Ridge over snow, in mid August. | |
| fpv-jones1-xvid.avi | avi | 151.6 MB | 03-08-08 | First FPV video from Jones. NW of launch | |
| fpv-zion-pumps-xvid.avi | avi | 74.8 MB | 28-07-08 | Some fast, low level FPV flying at Zion | |
| super77-08-combat-xvid.avi | avi | 80.7 MB | 24-06-08 | Combat music video from super77th with FPV intro | |
| super77-08-combat-2pass-22-xvid.avi | avi | 63.9 MB | 24-06-08 | Combat music video from super77th with FPV info | |
| f3j-supra-flight.avi | avi | 8.8 MB | 19-06-08 | F3J Supra losing tail and landing inverted | |
| weldon-frontside-tour-xvid.avi | avi | 75.6 MB | 05-06-08 | Long range FPV flight at Weldon DS ridge | |
| fpv-weldon-jw-dsing-crash-xvid.avi | avi | 62.8 MB | 05-06-08 | Watching DS action from FPV plane at Weldon + crash | |
| fpv-green-mtn-clean-divx.avi | avi | 80.1 MB | 02-06-08 | Decent FPV flight at Green Mountain near sunset | |
| fpv-ez-weldon-low-work-xvid.avi | avi | 74.5 MB | 02-06-08 | Very low FPV flying at Weldon | |
| fpv-zion-west-long-climb-crash-xvid.avi | avi | 110.6 MB | 08-05-08 | FPV climb on west of Zion to summit. | |
| fpv-ez-wcsc-action.avi | avi | 72.4 MB | 05-05-08 | FPV flight through combat swarm at WCSC | |
| fpv-ez-wcsc.avi | avi | 108.9 MB | 05-05-08 | ||
| 2008_04_22_22_18-clip.avi | avi | 30.4 MB | 30-04-08 | ||
| fpv-ez-ncar-big-thermal-xvid.avi | avi | 47.4 MB | 27-04-08 | FPV flight at NCAR catching monster thermal | |
| john-mona.wmv | wmv | 3.6 MB | 24-04-08 | John Bs Blast moaning at Weldeon DS ridge | |
| ian-extropus.wmv | wmv | 31.7 MB | 24-04-08 | Me tearing it up with the Extropus at Weldon | |
| gary-bird.wmv | wmv | 7.8 MB | 24-04-08 | Gary L. going fast with X-tail bird at Weldeon | |
| nick-gary-carnage.wmv | wmv | 8.1 MB | 24-04-08 | Nick and Gary fetching plane parts at Weldon | |
| jason-thundertaker.wmv | wmv | 11.4 MB | 23-04-08 | Jason L flying his Thundertaker at Weldon | |
| nick-jason-extreme-thundertaker.wmv | wmv | 21.0 MB | 23-04-08 | Nick and Jason DSing together at Weldon | |
| nick-extreme-extropus-acro.wmv | wmv | 13.9 MB | 23-04-08 | Nick doing acro Ds at Weldon with Extropus | |
| joe-mcv.wmv | wmv | 13.0 MB | 23-04-08 | Sloper Joe going fast with MCV at Weldon | |
| gary-shockwave.wmv | wmv | 4.4 MB | 23-04-08 | Gary pushing the Shockwave over 300 at Weldon. | |
| john-shockwave.wmv | wmv | 17.0 MB | 23-04-08 | John B tearing it up with Shockwave at Weldon | |
| mike-mcv.wmv | wmv | 13.3 MB | 23-04-08 | Mike the Snake pushing MCV at Weldon | |
| gary-thundertaker.wmv | wmv | 7.5 MB | 23-04-08 | Gary having some fun with Jason's Thundertaker | |
| stu-ninja-star.wmv | wmv | 3.7 MB | 23-04-08 | Stu does a Ninja star with Destiny through sun | |
| nick-extreme-cruising.wmv | wmv | 16.3 MB | 23-04-08 | Nick cruising around in the low 200s with Extreme | |
| john-thundertaker-cruising.wmv | wmv | 17.1 MB | 22-04-08 | lead-in laps to the WR | |
| john-thundertaker-record.wmv | wmv | 27.5 MB | 22-04-08 | John's WR flight on new Thundertaker maiden | |
| JW-WR.wmv | wmv | 7.7 MB | 21-04-08 | JW60 DS World Record run at Weldon | |
| JW-reverse-angle.wmv | wmv | 9.5 MB | 21-04-08 | JW60 turning laps in the 180-190s reverse angle | |
| fpv-ez-zion-900mhz-noise.wmv | wmv | 39.7 MB | 16-04-08 | ||
| dakota-040508-raketenwurm1.avi | avi | 1.9 MB | 05-04-08 | Nick tearing it up with Raketenwurm at Dakota Ridge | |
| dakota-032108-raketenwurm1-small.avi | avi | 12.0 MB | 21-03-08 | ||
| dakota-032108-raketenwurm2-small.avi | avi | 3.8 MB | 21-03-08 | ||
| dakota-032108-raketenwurm.avi | avi | 26.5 MB | 21-03-08 | ||
| dakota-032108-raketenwurm2.avi | avi | 9.0 MB | 21-03-08 | ||
| zion-022308.wmv | wmv | 25.6 MB | 24-02-08 | ||
| zion-fox-summit-ds.wmv | wmv | 24.8 MB | 23-02-08 | ||
| zion-fox-dean-1.wmv | wmv | 12.5 MB | 21-02-08 | Dean's 18oz Windrider Fox flying in light air at Zion | |
| zion-fox-1.wmv | wmv | 30.4 MB | 21-02-08 | My 32oz Windrider Fox doing some acro in medium air at Zion | |
| Nyxtropus-breakup.wmv | wmv | 2.6 MB | 16-02-08 | Nick's Nyxtropus breaking up in the DS groove | |
| xps-failsafe-behavior-after-reboot.wmv | wmv | 13.5 MB | 11-02-08 | ||
| xps-goes-blinking-red-after-reboot.wmv | wmv | 18.1 MB | 11-02-08 | ||
| fpv-ez-zion-newcam-xvid-1000k.avi | avi | 34.7 MB | 30-12-07 | First test of the new camera on FPV rig in rough air | |
| fpv-karl-zion1.wmv | wmv | 27.3 MB | 05-12-07 | ||
| fpv-head-tracker-stretcher.wmv | wmv | 4.3 MB | 28-11-07 | ||
| fpv-ez-zion1-1000Kbps.wmv | wmv | 37.8 MB | 25-11-07 | FPV video at Mt. Zion at sunset with Easy Glider | |
| fpv-ez-ncar1.wmv | wmv | 18.2 MB | 24-11-07 | FPV video at NCAR with Easy Glider | |
| jones093007-xvid-mp3.avi | avi | 52.1 MB | 01-10-07 | Cold weather DS day at Jones Pass | |
| jones093007-850.wmv | wmv | 47.2 MB | 01-10-07 | Cold weather DS day at Jones Pass | |
| ribbon-spar-tutorial.wmv | wmv | 23.2 MB | 25-09-07 | Short video showing how to do ribbon spars in EPP | |
| zion-nutty-helicopter-xvid.avi | avi | 22.3 MB | 23-09-07 | Full sized helicopter doing low level filming at Mt. Zion | |
| zion-nutty-helicopter.wmv | wmv | 20.8 MB | 23-09-07 | ||
| jeff-warbird-launch2.avi | avi | 5.5 MB | 22-09-07 | Jeff launching and flying his warbird at Kenosha Pass | |
| jones-extropus-223mph-640x480-2.wmv | wmv | 7.3 MB | 26-08-07 | High rest version of the 223mph video below. | |
| jones-fazer-freestyle.wmv | wmv | 15.5 MB | 26-08-07 | Freestyle DSing of the Fazer F3J at Jones Pass | |
| jones-extropus-freestyle-sharp.wmv | wmv | 13.5 MB | 26-08-07 | Some freestyle DSing with the Extropus as 150+mph | |
| jones-extropus-223mph-sharp.wmv | wmv | 6.5 MB | 26-08-07 | New personal best of 223mph with Extropus at Jones Pass | |
| jones0819-fazer-ds.avi | avi | 32.5 MB | 19-08-07 | DSing the Fazer at Jones Pass. Great sound | |
| jones-2007-07-14.wmv | wmv | 8.3 MB | 15-07-07 | Some Jones action summer 2007 - Awsome group DS | |
| jones-2007-07-14-mp3.avi | avi | 8.7 MB | 15-07-07 | ||
| jones-2007-first-blood-900k-640x480.wmv | wmv | 25.6 MB | 10-07-07 | First trip up to Jones summer 2007 | |
| jones-2007-first-blood-900k-640x480-2.wmv | wmv | 21.0 MB | 10-07-07 | ||
| jones-2007-first-blood-q90-half-sec-key.wmv | wmv | 22.6 MB | 09-07-07 | ||
| jones2007-moth-teaser.avi | avi | 1.6 MB | 08-07-07 | Short clip of the Moth absolutely tearing it up at Jones Pass | |
| super77-mosquitos.avi | avi | 568.0 KB | 26-06-07 | Attacked by mosquitos at sunset at Super 77th | |
| super77-fire.wmv | wmv | 5.8 MB | 26-06-07 | Little nutty action around the campfire at Super 77th | |
| ds-acro-contest5-q2.wmv | wmv | 29.5 MB | 29-05-07 | Final 1st place entry for the Slope Aerobatics video contest, flying Fazer F3J at Mt. Zion | |
| ds-acro-contest5-divx.avi | avi | 28.3 MB | 29-05-07 | ||
| ds-acro-contest4-divx.avi | avi | 27.9 MB | 29-05-07 | ||
| ds-acro-contest4-2.wmv | wmv | 22.7 MB | 29-05-07 | ||
| ds-acro-contest4.wmv | wmv | 31.4 MB | 29-05-07 | ||
| ds-acro-contest2-high.wmv | wmv | 31.0 MB | 28-05-07 | ||
| ds-acro-contest2-divx.avi | avi | 35.0 MB | 28-05-07 | ||
| xps-low-bat-test4.wmv | wmv | 7.7 MB | 15-05-07 | Some testing of the XPS 2.4Ghz system with low battery voltage | |
| xps-low-bat-test3.wmv | wmv | 4.2 MB | 15-05-07 | Some testing of the XPS 2.4Ghz system with low battery voltage | |
| xps-low-bat-test2.wmv | wmv | 23.2 MB | 11-05-07 | Some testing of the XPS 2.4Ghz system with low battery voltage | |
| xps-low-bat-test1.wmv | wmv | 1.5 MB | 11-05-07 | Some testing of the XPS 2.4Ghz system with low battery voltage | |
| parker-extreme2-clipped.avi | avi | 54.5 MB | 02-05-07 | Maiden flight of the Extreme at Parker Mountain | |
| zion-snowy-ds-day.avi | avi | 26.4 MB | 28-01-07 | Some fun DS/combat at the top of Zion on a cold snowy sunny day | |
| zion-snowstorm-ds.avi | avi | 2.4 MB | 30-12-06 | Karl flying frontside DS in a heavy snowstorm at Zion | |
| zion-top-LED-planes-DS.avi | avi | 9.2 MB | 10-12-06 | LED Bee and LED lumberjack DSing at Zion after sunset | |
| zion-top-bat-ds.avi | avi | 3.9 MB | 10-12-06 | Bat making some fast DS turns on top of Zion | |
| sunset-timelapse-divx.avi | avi | 2.0 MB | 06-12-06 | Cool timelapse video of clouds at sunset. | |
| zion-fishbowl-fun4-divx.avi | avi | 23.4 MB | 12-11-06 | Kickass fun frontside DS combat at Zion's Fishbowl. | |
| zion-fishbowl-fun4-700k.wmv | wmv | 19.4 MB | 12-11-06 | Kickass fun frontside DS combat at Zion's Fishbowl. | |
| sloop-divx.avi | avi | 28.3 MB | 17-10-06 | Awsome Sloop flying loop | |
| jones-batds.avi | avi | 29.1 MB | 10-10-06 | Karl DSing the Bat at sunset at Jones Pass | |
| jones-bladeds-q4-music.avi | avi | 26.2 MB | 06-10-06 | DSing Carbon Blade at Jones pass to music | |
| jones-bladeds-q4.avi | avi | 26.2 MB | 02-10-06 | DSing Carbon Blade at Jones Pass - no music | |
| jones-warbird-ds-600kbps-mp3.avi | avi | 6.6 MB | 02-10-06 | Nick DSing his warbird at Jones Pass | |
| jones-fat-sally-600kbps-mp3.avi | avi | 3.2 MB | 02-10-06 | Karl's "Fat Sally" 34oz DS Bee at Jones pass | |
| led-bee-zion3-divx.avi | avi | 16.4 MB | 27-09-06 | Fun music video of DSing at Zion at night with LED Bees. | |
| jones-cloud-dsing.avi | avi | 7.3 MB | 10-09-06 | Karl and Rick DSing in the clouds at Jones Pass | |
| jones-extreme-ds1.avi | avi | 19.7 MB | 10-09-06 | Some freestyle DS action with the Extreme at Jones Pass | |
| jones-timelapse2-2-divx.avi | avi | 11.9 MB | 10-09-06 | Timelapse of clouds and DSing at Jones Pass | |
| jones-timelapse1-divx.avi | avi | 11.9 MB | 09-09-06 | ||
| led-bee-dsing-600kbps.avi | avi | 8.6 MB | 09-09-06 | LED Bee DSing at "Death Trough Ridge" at night | |
| led-bee-zion1-music2-divx.avi | avi | 28.9 MB | 24-08-06 | LED Bee flying at Zion at night to music. Self filmed. | |
| dinosaur-dsing1.avi | avi | 15.2 MB | 21-08-06 | Destiny's DSing at Dinosaur Ridge 1 | |
| dinosaur-dsing2.avi | avi | 4.9 MB | 21-08-06 | Destiny's DSing at Dinosaur Ridge 2 | |
| led-bee-front.avi | avi | 797.8 KB | 17-08-06 | LED Bee in the dark, front view | |
| led-bee-top.avi | avi | 813.3 KB | 11-08-06 | LED Bee in the dark, top view | |
| sss-dsing.avi | avi | 9.9 MB | 09-08-06 | Example of DSing in sss R/C flight simulator | |
| crrcsim-dsing.avi | avi | 7.7 MB | 09-08-06 | Example of DSing in crrcsim R/C flight simulator | |
| wet-n-wild-at-zion-divx.avi | avi | 10.6 MB | 06-08-06 | Some fun flying in the rain at Zion with special rain shield | |
| index.php.old | old | 441 B | 25-07-06 | ||
| jones-pass-fullpipe-ds.avi | avi | 9.6 MB | 24-07-06 | Me DSing 60 inch Halfpipe at Jones Pass | |
| jones-pass-ds-scene.avi | avi | 8.7 MB | 23-07-06 | Everyone DSing at Jones Pass | |
| rc-jet-bad-landing-slow.avi | avi | 403.0 KB | 18-07-06 | Slow motion of guy getting hit in the legs with R/C jet | |
| glacier06-1-fullpipe-ds-divx.avi | avi | 22.8 MB | 17-07-06 | Me DSing 60 inch Halfpipe at Glacier Ridge for first time | |
| microjet137mph.wmv | wmv | 20.5 MB | 15-06-06 | Souped up Microjet goes 137mph in Kansas | |
| | mov | 32.5 MB | 01-06-06 | Greg (Lavawing)'s excellent event video from WCSC | |
| montrose-swarm2.wmv | wmv | 3.8 MB | 08-05-06 | Combat swarm at WCSC event | |
| montrose-swarm2.avi | avi | 4.8 MB | 08-05-06 | Combat swarm at WCSC event | |
| montrose-swarm1.avi | avi | 20.6 MB | 08-05-06 | Combat swarm at WCSC event | |
| powerlines-timelapse-thx.wmv | wmv | 2.4 MB | 02-05-06 | Timelapse video of flying in front of sunset at Powerlines | |
| powerlines-timelapse-thx-divx.avi | avi | 2.9 MB | 02-05-06 | Timelapse video of flying in front of sunset at Powerlines | |
| thorn-snap.avi | avi | 4.8 MB | 18-04-06 | Thorn glider does a nasty snap/flick flat spin | |
| ntm-banana-maiden-divx.avi | avi | 12.5 MB | 27-03-06 | Maiden flight of Andrew's Banana at North Table Mountain | |
| ntm-thorns1-divx.avi | avi | 24.3 MB | 27-03-06 | Thorns flying at North Table Mountain | |
| thurens_thorn-snap-slow-zoom.avi | avi | 3.4 MB | 20-03-06 | Thuren's Thorn doing a snap/flick/spin in slow motion | |
| zion-snow-combat.avi | avi | 8.6 MB | 18-03-06 | Combatting in the snow at Mt. Zion | |
| zion-canuk-eng-light-kit-bee-divx.avi | avi | 25.4 MB | 05-03-06 | Andrew's LED lit Bee flying at night | |
| thorn-zion-ds-divx.avi | avi | 32.4 MB | 05-03-06 | My Thorn DSing at Mt. Zion.. About 122mph. | |
| zion-bubbles.wmv | wmv | 11.7 MB | 02-03-06 | Some fun with a bubble blower at Mt. Zion over the road | |
| zion-bubbles-divx.avi | avi | 13.1 MB | 02-03-06 | Some fun with a bubble blower at Mt. Zion over the road | |
| thorn-zion-2p.wmv | wmv | 25.2 MB | 27-02-06 | Thorn rocking at the switchbacks on Mt. Zion | |
| zion-throw-catch-comp.wmv | wmv | 7.8 MB | 27-02-06 | Impromptu combat wing throw-catch competition | |
| zion-combat-2-26-06-700k.wmv | wmv | 20.3 MB | 27-02-06 | Some hot combat action on the front of Zion | |
| thorn-maiden.avi | avi | 18.5 MB | 22-02-06 | Maiden flight of my Thorn at Powerlines | |
| Blato-divx.avi | avi | 3.9 MB | 09-02-06 | Karl's straight trailing edged Bat DSing at Zion | |
| Blato.wmv | wmv | 2.9 MB | 09-02-06 | Karl's straight trailing edged Bat, DSing at Zion | |
| powerlines-leg-reno1.wmv | wmv | 11.0 MB | 29-01-06 | Fresh LEG P51 Reno Racer flying at the Powerlines | |
| zion-ian-halfpipe-ds-timelapse-2-divx.avi | avi | 12.2 MB | 20-12-05 | Timelapse of me DSing the Halfpipe on top of Zion | |
| zion-ian-2m-blade-ds.avi | avi | 27.6 MB | 20-12-05 | 2m Blade DSing pretty quick at Mt. Zion | |
| zion-karl-jw60-ds.avi | avi | 7.1 MB | 20-12-05 | Karl ripping it up with the 60 inch JW at Zion | |
| zion-snow-divx2.avi | avi | 30.7 MB | 06-12-05 | Combat, DS and acro at Zion on a cold cold snowy day | |
| ntm-60-warbird.avi | avi | 19.1 MB | 29-11-05 | 60 inch warbirds pumping at North Table Mountain | |
| helium-512.avi | avi | 4.4 MB | 29-11-05 | Little Cody doing F3F turns with Wizard Compact II X-tail at NTM | |
| helium.avi | avi | 6.3 MB | 29-11-05 | Little Cody doing F3F turns with Wizard Compact II X-tail at NTM | |
| ntm-lumberjack-turns.avi | avi | 17.2 MB | 29-11-05 | Andrew's Lumberjack making quick turns at NTM | |
| ntm-crossover-turns.avi | avi | 6.0 MB | 28-11-05 | Andrew's LEG Crossover making quick turns at NTM | |
| ntm-crossover-divx.avi | avi | 24.4 MB | 28-11-05 | LEG Crossover flying around at NTM | |
| zion-frontside-fishbowl2-divx.avi | avi | 35.3 MB | 19-11-05 | Combat and DS at the NE fishbowl at Mt. Zion | |
| zion-carbon-lumberjack1.avi | avi | 11.1 MB | 13-11-05 | Maiden flight of Andrew's carbon lumberjack at Zion | |
| zion-destiny-ds-splat2-divx.avi | avi | 5.9 MB | 12-11-05 | Destiny DSes to 141mph and then hits the ground | |
| frontside-ds1.avi | avi | 4.8 MB | 12-11-05 | Frontside, over the road DS at Mt. Zion | |
| glacier05-v2-2-divx.avi | avi | 46.8 MB | 30-10-05 | My Glacier Ridge V2 full event music video | |
| glacier05-v2-combat-divx.avi | avi | 21.7 MB | 30-09-05 | My Glacier Ridge V2 combat music video | |
| goosenecks-mini-weasel.avi | avi | 17.2 MB | 26-09-05 | Flying the Mini Weasel at the Goosenecks in Utah | |
| jellyfish-attack2-divx.avi | avi | 16.0 MB | 21-09-05 | Paraglider does pumps through combat swarm at Zion 2 | |
| jellyfish-attack1-divx.avi | avi | 16.8 MB | 20-09-05 | Paraglider does pumps through combat swarm at Zion | |
| glacier-v2-recluse1-divx.avi | avi | 3.7 MB | 19-09-05 | Mike's SSDC Recluse flies at Glacier Ridge | |
| glacier-v2-recluse2-divx.avi | avi | 2.0 MB | 19-09-05 | Mike's SSDC Recluse flies at Glacier Ridge 2 | |
| glacier-v2-swarm1-divx.avi | avi | 4.8 MB | 19-09-05 | Glacier Ridge 2005 V2 combat swarm | |
| glacier-extreme-ds1.avi | avi | 9.9 MB | 18-09-05 | Glacier Ridge 2005 2M Extreme DSes | |
| single-stall-turn-bad.avi | avi | 646.0 KB | 13-09-05 | Example of a stall turn gone bad in slow motion | |
| single-stall-turn.avi | avi | 1.4 MB | 13-09-05 | Example of good stall turn in slow motion | |
| roan-cliffs-extreme2-divx.avi | avi | 34.9 MB | 12-09-05 | Really nice music video of my 2M Extreme at Roan Cliffs | |
| zion-extreme2-divx.avi | avi | 29.3 MB | 27-08-05 | Self shot (flying and filming myself) video of 2m Extreme | |
| dynamic-soaring-entry-divx.avi | avi | 10.5 MB | 24-08-05 | Example of good DS entry paths on a dam | |
| carbo-miniblad-divx.avi | avi | 1.9 MB | 22-08-05 | The zombie Carbo Mini-Blad F3F BPV built in Kansas | |
| ds-combat-switchback-divx.avi | avi | 15.5 MB | 17-08-05 | Some good combat action at the switchbacks at Zion | |
| glacier05-2-2-divx.avi | avi | 48.5 MB | 12-08-05 | Glacier Ridge 2005 V1 event music video version 2 | |
| glacier05-2-divx.avi | avi | 49.9 MB | 10-08-05 | Glacier Ridge 2005 V1 event music video version 1 | |
| Alula-divx.avi | avi | 8.3 MB | 08-08-05 | Greg ripping it up with Alula at Glacier Ridge 2005 V1 | |
| glacier-ridge-05-1-divx.avi | avi | 23.9 MB | 08-08-05 | Big frontside pumping action at Glacier Ridge 2005 V1 | |
| sr7-zion1-divx.avi | avi | 5.7 MB | 18-07-05 | SR7 ripping it up on the frontside of Mt. Zion | |
| zion-combat-8-3-divx.avi | avi | 23.8 MB | 18-07-05 | Demonstrating the figuring 8 combat pattern at Zion | |
| zion-fishbowl-ds-combat-divx.avi | avi | 10.6 MB | 13-07-05 | Frontside DS comat at the fishbowl at Zion | |
| zion-extreme-crop-2.avi | avi | 19.6 MB | 07-07-05 | 2M Extreme ripping it up at the switchbacks at Zion | |
| zion-halfpipe-dsing1.avi | avi | 5.8 MB | 01-07-05 | DSing the 48" Halfpipe at Zion | |
| mtzionNW-pan.avi | avi | 2.0 MB | 30-06-05 | Slow pan from the top of Zion | |
| F48-divx.avi | avi | 20.4 MB | 22-06-05 | Dave's Super Scooter (aka F48) goes fast on frontisde | |
| zion-combat-8-divx.avi | avi | 6.5 MB | 12-06-05 | Figure 8 combat at Zion | |
| glacier6-2004.avi | avi | 1.8 MB | 06-06-05 | Jeff landing his M60 at Glacier Ridge 2004 | |
| IMG_1308.JPG | JPG | 1.7 MB | 01-06-05 | Kulbutin in front of me and my dad at Powerlines | |
| zion-ds-blade-divx.avi | avi | 14.5 MB | 18-05-05 | 2M Blade DSing at Zion set to music on sunny day | |
| zion-ds-kama-bees-divx-mp3.avi | avi | 14.6 MB | 18-05-05 | Bees and little wing DSing at Zion | |
| pica-ncar2.jpg | jpg | 103.4 KB | 06-04-05 | Jeff's Pica at NCAR | |
| pica-ncar1.jpg | jpg | 73.9 KB | 06-04-05 | Jeff's Pica at NCAR | |
| halfpipe-tape.jpg | jpg | 90.6 KB | 04-04-05 | How the little Halfpipe is taped before covering | |
| pica-ncar-divx.avi | avi | 7.2 MB | 04-04-05 | Jeff's Pica flying at NCAR | |
| pica-ncar-raw.avi | avi | 10.9 MB | 04-04-05 | Jeff's Pica at NCAR 2 | |
| blade-carbon-divx2.avi | avi | 5.6 MB | 02-04-05 | 2M Blade ripping it up at North Table Mountain | |
| nemesis-flips-slow-divx.avi | avi | 866.0 KB | 19-03-05 | Slow motion of Nemesis doing flick/flat spin | |
| nemesis-flips-divx.avi | avi | 3.5 MB | 19-03-05 | Nemesis doing flick/flat spin | |
| spinner-sunset1.avi | avi | 7.1 MB | 21-01-05 | Ed Berg Spinner flying at sunset on Green Mountain | |
| spinner-launch2.avi | avi | 4.6 MB | 21-01-05 | Ed Berg Spinner launching at Green Mountain | |
| zion-combat-course3-divx.avi | avi | 30.0 MB | 16-01-05 | Pylon combat at switchbacks at Zion set to music | |
| DSHidhlightsDisclaimer.avi | avi | 15.3 MB | 11-12-04 | Frontside DS combat at Zion | |
| mtzion-ds2-divx.avi | avi | 22.1 MB | 27-11-04 | Moth and Nemesis DSing on top of Zion to music | |
| ds-combat-11-19-divx.avi | avi | 26.1 MB | 21-11-04 | Absolutely rockin frontside DS combat at Zion in the dark | |
| nighttime-ds-combat2.avi | avi | 16.5 MB | 20-11-04 | Raw footage of nighttime over the road DS combat 2 | |
| nighttime-ds-combat1.avi | avi | 16.6 MB | 20-11-04 | Raw footage of nighttime over the road DS combat | |
| DS-Combat-11-17-Mutiple-Hits-Ian-Karl-Bes... | mov | 9.5 MB | 20-11-04 | Frontside DS combat at fishbowl | |
| glacier-ridge2-2-mp3.avi | avi | 66.1 MB | 22-09-04 | Epic 13 minute long music video of Glacier 2004 V1 trip | |
| bungee-divx-mp3.avi | avi | 3.3 MB | 16-09-04 | Bungee of the Moth at NCAR | |
| | mov | 5.9 MB | 10-09-04 | old JW flying videos | |
| | mov | 3.5 MB | 10-09-04 | old JW flying videos | |
| | mov | 3.4 MB | 10-09-04 | old JW flying videos | |
| | mov | 4.3 MB | 10-09-04 | old JW flying videos | |
| | mov | 3.5 MB | 10-09-04 | old JW flying videos | |
| | mov | 3.4 MB | 10-09-04 | old JW flying videos | |
| | mov | 1.7 KB | 10-09-04 | ||
| ntable2.wmv | wmv | 33.7 MB | 08-09-04 | Music video, first trip to North Table Mountain | |
| zionwest-jeff.avi | avi | 20.7 MB | 08-09-04 | ||
| dlg1.avi | avi | 3.9 MB | 08-09-04 | Very early discus launch demonstration video | |
| m60-nne-zion-divx2.avi | avi | 3.6 MB | 08-09-04 | ||
| flyby.avi | avi | 134.0 KB | 08-09-04 | near midair collision from onboard camera view | |
| | mov | 239.5 KB | 08-09-04 | near midair collision from onboard camera view | |
| | mov | 29.3 MB | 08-09-04 | ||
| powerlines-divx.avi | avi | 15.7 MB | 08-09-04 | M60 tearing it up at Powerlines on cold winter day to music | |
| inflight1-divx.avi | avi | 29.4 MB | 08-09-04 | Onboard video on Dogan at Bear Creek with crappy camera | |
| inflight-powerlines2-divx.avi | avi | 23.5 MB | 08-09-04 | Onboard video at Powerlines on top of Dogan F3F | |
| inflight-dam2-divx.avi | avi | 16.7 MB | 08-09-04 | Onboard video on Miraj F3F at dam with better camera | |
| inflight-dam-action-divx.avi | avi | 23.7 MB | 08-09-04 | Onboard music video with more action from Miraj | |
| inflight-carbon2-divx.avi | avi | 15.9 MB | 08-09-04 | Best of the onboard videos, Miraj at Carbon with other planes | |
| inflight-action-divx.avi | avi | 27.5 MB | 08-09-04 | Bit more action oriented onboard video from Dogan | |
| | mov | 2.5 MB | 08-09-04 | Nemesis doing pumps at Mt. Carbon | |
| | mov | 2.6 MB | 08-09-04 | Nemesis flight at Mt. Carbon | |
| | mov | 3.4 MB | 08-09-04 | Nemesis maiden at Mt. Carbon | |
| | mov | 1.8 MB | 08-09-04 | Very short clip of JW self shot | |
| | mov | 11.2 MB | 08-09-04 | Me filming and flying the JW at Green Mountain | |
| | mov | 11.3 MB | 08-09-04 | JW on Green Mountain | |
| m60-300-3.avi | avi | 1.5 MB | 08-09-04 | First flights of M60 at NCAR 3 | |
| m60-300-2.avi | avi | 2.3 MB | 08-09-04 | First flights of M60 at NCAR 2 | |
| m60-300-1.avi | avi | 2.0 MB | 08-09-04 | First flights of M60 at NCAR | |
| mtzion-nw-music2-4.avi | avi | 31.8 MB | 08-09-04 | Cool music video of M60's on back of Zion | |
| mtzion-nw-music1-divx.avi | avi | 25.5 MB | 08-09-04 | Another cool music video of my M60 going vertical at Zion | |
| sting-powerlines1.avi | avi | 1.6 MB | 08-09-04 | Short video of the Sting F3F making Powerlines look small | |
| mb-frontside-divx.avi | avi | 8.9 MB | 08-09-04 | Miniblade flying frontside on top of Zion | |
| mb-dsing-divx.avi | avi | 10.9 MB | 08-09-04 | Mini Blade DSing top of Zion | |
| glacier-ridge-divx.avi | avi | 18.2 MB | 08-09-04 | Jeff's music video of Glacier Ridge 2004 V1 | |
| ntable-divx-mp3.avi | avi | 39.5 MB | 08-09-04 | Higher qualtiy version of first North Table Mountain video | |
| | classicds | <DIR> | 28 items | 18-07-22 | |
| | mwsc2007 | <DIR> | 5 items | 18-07-22 | |
| | socal-ds-2010 | <DIR> | 20 items | 07-07-22 | |
| | socal-ds-2007 | <DIR> | 19 items | 07-07-22 | |
| | 2.4 | <DIR> | 16 items | 27-06-22 | |
| | NewStuffFromJeff | <DIR> | 13 items | 18-12-20 | Jeff's incoming directory |
| | builds | <DIR> | 1 item | 02-04-10 | |
| | fpv | <DIR> | 8 items | 15-07-08 | |
| | jones-100106 | <DIR> | 3 items | 10-10-06 | |
| | glacier_ridge | <DIR> | 1 item | 22-09-04 |