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    name type size date desc description
error_log  1.2 MB 04-03-25
tm-flutter-slow.avi avi 24.7 MB 12-05-10
weldon2010-nick-wiz-acro.avi avi 170.3 MB 04-05-10 Nick doing some crazy acro with his Wizard on Thursday
weldon2010-marty-shockwave-heli.avi avi 73.1 MB 04-05-10 Marty flying his Shockwave as Heli passes by on Wednesday
weldon2010-john-d80-short.avi avi 17.8 MB 04-05-10 Very short video of John ripping it up with D80 Wednesday
weldon2010-marlan-wizard-305.avi avi 108.1 MB 03-05-10 Marlan flying his Wizard to 305 and flutter - Wednesday
weldon2010-matt-tt-324.avi avi 64.8 MB 03-05-10 Matt tearing it up with the TT, with lots of commentary - Wednesday
weldon2010-chris-kinetic.avi avi 117.8 MB 03-05-10 Chris on the Kinetic, gets decent after the commentary - Wednesday
weldon2010-vern-d80-328.avi avi 27.9 MB 03-05-10 Very end of Vern's 328mph flight on the D80 Wednesday
socal2010-ian-ds-acro-short-xvid.avi avi 296.8 MB 03-05-10 My own 200mph DS acro vid with the Wizard shot with Hero HD at 1080p - Thursday
weldon2010-brett-mc3.avi avi 79.6 MB 03-05-10 Brett tearing it up with the Opus. Ignore the commentary.
weldon2010-jason-tm2.avi avi 127.2 MB 03-05-10 Jason on the THundermaster Wednesday at 343mph then hard pull flutter
weldon2010-jason-tm1.avi avi 149.6 MB 03-05-10 Jason on the Thundermaster Tuesday
weldon2010-marty-opus1.avi avi 152.9 MB 03-05-10 Marty winding the Opus up tight on Tuesday. Fun sound.
weldon2010-marty-shockwave-287-flutter.avi avi 115.3 MB 02-05-10 Marty pushing the Shockwave to flutter on Tuesday
weldon2010-nick-wiz-316.avi avi 117.4 MB 02-05-10 Nick on Wizard going 316mph on Tuesday
weldon2010-ron-marty-ron212.avi avi 148.2 MB 02-05-10 Ron and Marty on the MC3 on Tuesday
weldon2010-jason-tt1-xvid.avi avi 44.7 MB 02-05-10 Jason on Thundertaker on Tuesday
weldon2010-spencer-kinetic-393.avi avi 259.4 MB 02-05-10 Spencer on Kinetic 100 going to 393mph Wednesday

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